As an internet marketer you probably spend almost your entire day sitting in front of your computer, working on your business. Your day may be a routine of creating back-links and optimizing your on-site pages for better rankings, forum posting, or handling customer service. In case you are suffering from internet marking tunnel vision; people usually don’t spend hours of their time online like you do. If you only market your business to people through internet avenues, you will be missing out on quite a lot of potential customers! A good business person will market his or her business to every potential customer he (or she) can reach. To reach your income goals you can take advantage of offline marketing. Read on to learn how to use some of these powerful offline methods.
Ads strategically placed in magazines are effective. You can find a classified ad section in the back of nearly every magazine. Placing an ad doesn’t take much money. You may have noticed that I suggested placing an ad in a magazine instead of a newspaper: the reason being is that newspapers usually read stories that interest them and might focus on particular section such as sports and never even take a look at the classifieds; but, on the other hand, magazine readers are enthusiastic about the topic and will read the classifieds also. This is one of the ways of gaining access to some of the most targeted traffic that you could ever get to your offer. Expect a huge income jump with this marketing method
Distributing business cards is good too. A very effective way to use these cards is to find books at a bookstore or library that are similar to your site and then insert one of them in each book. Obviously, the workers will stop you if they caught you in the act but it usually easy to pull off without attracting their attention. And if you get caught, so what, its not like they caught you stealing or defacing a product.
Have you thought about trying to purchase an ad on the radio? Consider how many people listen to the radio at work or while driving; the only downside is that radio advertising is quite expensive, though sometimes you can finance it creatively by some form of barter for example. Think about how many people listen to the radio at work or while they are driving from place to place. If thousands of people are listening, what if even ten percent of them went to your site? If even a small percentage are interested, you could end up with thousands of new visitors and potential clients!
There are a lot of ways that you can market your business to offline clients! You can still market online, but you should not neglect offline marketing. Online marketing is only going to reach a certain percentage of your potential audience; if that’s all you do, you will be leaving out many people who might otherwise buy from you! Why not reach out to as many people as possible? Your business will expand faster if you include all the marketing possibilities you can.